Saturday, May 21, 2011

Gaming Disconnect 1-15 - F.A.T.A.L.

In this episode we review the worst RPG ever.


  1. So I am catching up on your old episodes, and I watched this one.

    Several years ago, I was working as journalist and one of my stories involved a man who self published a book on getting under-age foreign brides. This eventually got him arrested and charged – the most disturbing thing about him was he never appeared to understand why people objected to what he was doing.

    I read through FATAL and got the same vibe – I do not think it was intended to be offensive because I do not think the “people” behind it actually understand that the material is offensive.

    Clive Barker might write wildly transgressive material, but he has the ability to know he is writing wildly transgressive material. That the people behind this did it by accident is more disturbing than that they did it deliberately. Seriously, I do think small children are safe around these guys.

    Which is why I will never cover it in my own review show.

    1. And to be clear, by "these guys" I mean the dudes who wrote F.A.T.A.L.
